Club Event of the Month - July

We are happy to announce joint winners for July’s DUSA Club Event of the Month!

Congratulations to Deakin Commerce Society from Burwood for their ‘Women in Business’ event. With over 50 attendees, the theme of ‘Leadership & Inclusivity’ was explored through topics such as gender diversity and inclusion, creating equitable workplaces, overcoming career challenges, ethical investing, leadership initiatives and mentorship.

A highlight of the event was the high-profile panel of speakers including:

  • Fiona Campbell – an alumnus of Deakin University and Partner in Assurance at EY with over 30 years’ experience
  • Erica Hall – a Deakin University graduate who is Director of Strategy and Distribution at U Ethical and the author of Top Stocks Special Edition – Ethical, Sustainable, Responsible
  • Daisy Ku – Treasury Manager at CitiPower and Powercor on behalf of ACCA
  • Dani Murrie – Chief Marketing and Growth Officer at UniSuper with an extensive career in finance (Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, and MetLife Australia) on behalf of Striver.

Congratulations also goes to Nursing, Occupational Health, Medicine and Allied Health at Deakin (NOMAD) & Emergency Medicine at Deakin (EMD) from Geelong for their three-day ‘Rural Emergencies Camp’ in Dunkeld. 40 pre-clinical and clinical years medical students were given hands-on experience and heard from medical experts on the healthcare needs of rural communities and appropriate rural resource management. Students also had the chance to increase their cultural competency through the First Nations 'Paint and Yarn' event conducted by Wathaurong man, Rhys Jeffs.

Students came away with a strengthened sense of community and social responsibility, as well as a better insight into the career paths available in rural medicine and public health.

To give your club a chance to win DUSA Club Event of the Month for August, make sure you nominate post-event HERE.

You can learn more about DUSA clubs HERE.


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