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Struggling to make ends meet financially? Too hungry to think? We're here to help Deakin Students.
Our Survival Centres are located at Burwood and Waurn Ponds. DUSA understands that the cost of living has affected Deakin students in many ways, with food affordability being a major concern. We stock free essential food and grocery items to help tide you over during times of genuine need. Our Survival Centres are an emergency service designed to supplement other DUSA initiatives such as our Food Pantry and Free Breakfast, that help ensure that students in need can focus on their studies, not on a hungry belly.
What’s available at the Survival Centre?
We stock free essential food and grocery items to help tide you over during times of genuine need. Items may include basic food items, personal hygiene products, and sexual health products.
How do I access the Survival Centre?
Our Survival Centre’s are open from 9am-2:30pm Monday-Friday. Students in need of a helping hand are welcome to visit in person, but are encouraged to first complete our online form to arrange a time to visit. In times where the Advocacy Team are not available, students may be provided with a pre-packaged bag, or have an appointment scheduled to access the Survival Centre for an alternative date, depending on their circumstances. If you present to the Survival Centre and there are no staff available, please complete our online form and we will contact you to arrange support. Due to increased demand on the Survival Centre in recent months, students may currently take up to 10 items when they access the Survival Centre.
Burwood Campus: DUSA Advocacy Office, Building A, Level 2
Waurn Ponds Campus: DUSA Reception, JB Building, Level 1
The Survival Centre has limited resources and provides basic food and supplies to students needing emergency support. If you need support beyond what the Survival Centre can provide, or if you are unable to access one of our Survival Centres, please speak to our friendly Advocacy team who can discuss referrals for further programs that may be available to you. Prior to accessing the Survival Centre for the 3rd time in a calendar year, you may be invited to meet with our Financial Wellbeing team. If you are unable to attend campus to access the Survival Centre, you may be able to find external food supports near you using AskIzzy.