A denim backpack with book sitting on a shelf in the background

Student concerns and complaints

Do you have a concern or complaint that you wish to raise with the university? We can support you. Please feel free to contact us today for a free appointment.

Do you have a concern or complaint that you wish to raise with the university? We can help.

Important information: You can access the Student Complaints Resolution policy here, the Student Complaints Resolution procedure here, and the Student Complaints Form here.

What can I complain about?

Students have the right to make a formal complaint about the services, processes, actions, administrative and academic decisions of the University (or those operating on behalf of the University).

This could include complaints about:

  • Teaching and learning;
  • Unclear or inconsistent Course or Unit delivery;
  • Inconsistent application of University policies and procedures by staff;
  • Incorrect or misleading information provided by staff;
  • Assessment methods;
  • University fees and problems with Remission of Debt applications;
  • Problems with Special Consideration applications and extensions.
  • Students also have the right to complain about the conduct of a University staff member, another student or anyone associated with the University. This could include complaints about unfair or unreasonable behaviour by staff; Bullying; Discrimination; Harassment; Sexual harm; Vilification; Victimisation.
How can I complain?

Discussing your concerns: You can try to discuss your concerns with the individual, Faculty, School or area of the University that has led to your concern (if you feel safe and comfortable doing this). If you feel unsafe or threatened because of the way someone at Deakin is behaving but do not require immediate assistance, you can contact Safer Community. Safer Community can also support you if you have experienced sexual harm.

Lodging a formal complaint: You can lodge a formal complaint by completing the online Student Complaint Form. You can access this form here. (If you wish for your complaint to be anonymous, there is an option for this on the form.)

How are student complaints handled by the University?

They will address your concerns using the Student Complaints Resolution policy and procedure.

Will I be unfairly treated by my lecturer or faculty for making a formal complaint?

University staff have to adhere to standards of professionalism and conduct as outlined in University policies and procedures, as well as external pieces of legislation. These standards mean that students should not be disadvantaged by making a complaint.

What happens after I lodge a formal complaint?
  • Within ten working days of complaint submission, Student Complaints advises will contact you in writing, detailing whether an investigation will occur, or they will provide an outcome (if possible).
  • Once the investigation had concluded, you will be sent the outcome.
Can I review the outcome?
  • Your Complaint Outcome Letter will include a link for you to request an internal review of the outcome of your complaint.
  • If you can show you have grounds for review, you can request an internal review within 20 working days of receiving formal written notification of the outcome. Possible grounds for review are listed in the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure.
How can DUSA Advocates help?

A DUSA Advocate can assist you to understand the complaints process, review your draft complaint and provide feedback, and accompany you to any meetings with the University. Please contact us today for a free appointment.

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Female student standing outside wearing a DUSA Hoodie and carrying a DUSA backpack
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