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Safe spaces are a place for students to relax, socialise and study in a welcoming and supportive environment. Find the women and queer rooms on campus.
Women’s rooms exist across all campuses and are a place for woman-identifying and gender diverse students to relax, socialise and study in a welcoming and supportive environment. These rooms feature health information, support services as well as pads, tampons and condoms. These are autonomous spaces where it is expected individuals utilising them do so in a respectful manner.
Burwood - Building H 1. 20.02
Warrnambool - Building G 1.02
Waterfront - Building D 1.203.02
Waurn Ponds - Building JB 1.202
Queer rooms are maintained at Burwood and Waurn Ponds campuses. These are welcoming, supportive, and semi-autonomous spaces for queer students; designed to foster a sense of community and provide vital information and resources relevant to their experiences. There is an expectation of respect, understanding, and confidence.
Burwood - Building C (ground floor, next to security)
Waurn Ponds - Building JB (ground floor, near DUSA reception)
The Disability room is located on Burwood campus. It exists as a safe, inclusive space for students with disabilities and/or neurodivergent students. It is a safe haven for those who find themselves needing somewhere more private to decompress and self-regulate. The room contains sensory regulation items, resources on disability and neurodivergence, and adaptive furniture including a desk with elevation controls. It is expected that the room be used in a respectful manner.
Burwood - Building LC B1.008