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Deakin has new cheating detection methods. Find out more in the wrap up of our T2 2023 academic integrity awareness campaign.
This campaign was commended in the 2024 Studiosity Tracey Bretag Prize for Academic Integrity.
The information available on this page is from our T2 2023 Academic Integrity Awareness Campaign. DUSA continue to strive to improve student awareness of the fundamental values of academic integrity, what it means to act with integrity, and what support services and options are available during times of vulnerability. We (the DUSA Student Advocacy and Support Service SASS) know that students frequently communicate with their peers online and electronically. We are aware that students can find themselves in informal e-communications with peers that in effect become turning points, leading either to breaches of academic integrity, or to students supporting their peers to act with integrity.
We understand that with the rise of contract cheating websites disguising themselves as ‘study help websites’ and the increased accessibility of artificial intelligence programs, students may find themselves in dilemma situations.
For our T2 2023 Campaign, we created an online and on campus campaign focusing on Deakin’s new detection methods, via the following methods.
Instagram Stories: We posted three Instagram stories of mock messaging situations, which informed students about how discussions regarding contract cheating and Deakin’s detection methods can appear in everyday conversations. You can watch the videos here.
On Campus Posters: We placed some posters around each campus that had QR code, referring students back to this webpage. Our posters can be viewed here.
On Campus Events and Instagram Polls: We ran a on campus event at Burwood, Waurn Ponds and Waterfront. Students were presented with a message situation and were required to select a response. We then had free food available for all participating students. We also presented these stories on Instagram.
Scenario 1 – Uploading an old assignment to a file sharing website
Student 1: im stuck on part B, have you had a look?
Student 2: yeah I found the answer online, we could use it
Student 1: great! How’d you find it?
Student 2: googled it and uploaded an old assignment, ez
Students could then select from the following answers:
88% - Correct answer: umm, I’m pretty sure you can’t share your work anywhere
7% - Wrong answer: sweet, can you send me the link?
5% - Wrong answer: cool, I think if you don’t pay then it’s all good
Scenario 2 – Paying a website for an answer
Student 1: hey, feeling any better?
Student 2: nah still sick
Student 1: that sucks, did you get an extension?
Student 2: nah i paid a website for the answer, much easier
Student 2 response options:
80% - Correct answer: uh my mate got caught doing that and ended up suspended
2% - Wrong answer: okay sweet, my mate does this all the time and its fine
18% - Wrong answer: umm, just chuck it through turnitin to check if its fine
Scenario 3 – Using Artificial Intelligence to write an assessment
Student 1: this research essay is so hard, idk how to write it (head explode emoji)
Student 1: ive never done one before, think I’ll use AI to write it for me lol
Student 3 response options:
91% - Correct answer: um that’s risky, just ask Study Support for help
3% - Wrong answer: yeah AI is so helpful, it has written my essays too
6% - Wrong answer: yeah that’s fine, just ask it for references
Both on campus and via Instagram resulted in majority of students getting the answers correct. Of note there were a number of students who thought that Turnitin is the only program that Deakin uses for checking academic integrity, believing that it doesn’t matter who does your assignment or where it comes from, if it isn’t highlighted in Turnitin, you won’t get caught. As we know, this is not true! Deakin uses more than Turnitin when checking a students work, we were able to raise this with many students on the day and explain the importance of doing their own work.
It was great to see that most students are understanding when the use of Artificial Intelligence can and can’t be used when it comes to assessment.
The on-campus activations allowed for us to provide follow up questions and scenarios. All Advocates reported having very open and honest conversations with students whether they got the answer correct or not. The Advocacy Team will use this information to plan further campaigns and improve student awareness in the future.
Deakin's new Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
Deakin introduced a new Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure early 2023, we encourage all students to read through the new policy and familiarise yourself with the definitions of academic integrity here. Deakin has new detection methods that can detect a range of information. If you access support from an external (non-Deakin) website that offers 'assignment help' - you could find yourself in serious trouble! These websites often disguise themselves as helpful websites, with various tactics to encourage students to engage with their services. It's not worth the risk! SASS recommends that students only access Deakin approved supports, like the ones listed above. If you're not sure where to go or who to ask - you can contact us for support and we can provide you with some legitimate referrals!
Of note from the new policy is the new section around self-reporting please see section (61) Students may self-report to the Office of the Dean of Students they may have breached academic integrity standards. If you feel as though you may have breached Academic Integrity and would like to discuss the option of self-reporting, please contact us.
There are a range of supports that you can access if you are in need of some help. It's helpful to know what supports are available. You can also let your friends know about these supports, especially if they are experiencing difficulty with their studies.
Language and Learning Advisers - Language and learning advisers can assist you with developing your writing and study skills, understanding how to use Turnitin, providing feedback, helping you to understand academic integrity, referencing, paraphrasing and quoting of sources.
Maths and Writing Mentors - Maths Mentors are students who are able to provide support around the understanding of mathematical concepts. Mentors are available at drop-in sessions on Zoom and on campus at Burwood and Waurn Ponds. Maths Mentors also contribute to the development and implementation the Foundation Maths Program and the Maths Resource Centre in which you can access notes, examples, videos and practice questions. Writing Mentors are students who are able to provide support around understanding your assessment, approaches to research, ensuring your assignment is referenced adequately and how best to plan and manage your time for your studies and assessments.
Deakin Library - The library have experienced staff that can help you access materials and resources for your studies.
General Practitioner (Deakin Medical Centre) - Medical Centres are located on each campus for all Deakin Students and Staff to access. Each centre is staffed by qualified Doctors and Nurses to support you with any health concerns you may have.
Counselling (Deakin Counselling and Psychological Support) - The Counselling service provides free and confidential support to all Deakin students. A Counsellor will work with you to support you with your concerns and develop strategies to manage your situation.
Disability Resource Centre (DRC) - Register with the DRC for support around a disability, health or mental health issue that impacts on your studies. A Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) will work with you to develop an Access Plan or study plan so that you can get the most out of your course and minimise any impacts that your disability or health issue has on your study.
The Extension and Special Consideration Processes - Sometimes you might need some extra time for an assessment due to circumstances outside of your control. Follow this link to find out more about your options. You can also reach out to your Unit Chair for support.
If you're not sure where to start, you can contact DUSA Advocates for advice and referrals!