A female student sitting at a desk writing in a textbook
Textbooks and a ipad sitting on top of a table

Higher Degrees by Research (HDR)

Advocates can provide free and confidential advice and support around a number of issues related to your PHD experience at Deakin University.

Would you like support during your HDR studies? We're here to help.

The HDR journey can be a growth experience, it can shape you as a student and deliver the achievement of being an expert in your field of study. However, at times the journey can be stressful and feel as though it will never end. Sometimes speaking to someone can help to work through the processes of a PHD, the relationships, the struggles or the triumphs.

Advocates can provide support and advice regarding a range of academic matters. We can also provide advice regarding intermission, research progress and supervision issues. Contact us today for a free appointment.

Writing support: Deakin is currently running workshops and webinars for all researcher students. Find out more via the Deakin website here.

Advocacy team member smiling and talking with student while handing her some information
“Very thankful and grateful to my DUSA Advocate for immense support, guidance and assistance. I do not know what I would have done without my DUSA Advocate. Very happy with DUSA support services.”
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