Books and an ipad sitting on top of a desk

Deakin student legal service

Do you need legal or migration advice? The Deakin Student Legal Service is a free and confidential service for Deakin Students.
DSLS Banner

The Deakin Student Legal Service (DSLS) is here to help.

The Deakin Student Legal Service is a partnership between DUSA, the Eastern Community Legal Centre and the Barwon Community Legal Service. DSLS provides free and confidential legal advice, information, referral and education to students enrolled at Deakin University via the below legal services.

Eastern Community Legal Centre: 1300 325 200 for Burwood campus and migration enquiries.
Barwon Community Legal Service: 1300 430 599 for Waurn Ponds, Waterfront and Warrnambool campuses.

To request an appointment, please click the online button above or contact the Deakin Student Legal Service via telephone. If you are an online student, please contact the location nearest to you.

Qualified Lawyers can advise you on a range of legal matters, including:
  • Fines / Infringements
  • Motor Vehicle accidents (not TAC)
  • Debt / Bills / Consumer problems including Scams
  • Tenancy / Housing
  • Employment Law (including Sexual Harassment and Bullying)
  • Stalking & Family Violence
  • Family Law
  • Discrimination
  • Minor Criminal Matters
  • Migration Law / Student Visa
  • Victims of Crime Assistance
  • Reporting Sexual Assault
Deakin Student Legal Service Resources for Students provide general information on a range of common legal issues, including:
  • Student Visas
  • Sharing a House
  • Driving Offences
  • Employment

Click here to access the resources

If you are unsure whether your problem is a legal one, please submit an online query anyway. If Deakin Student Legal Service cannot assist you, staff will refer you to someone who can.

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Female student standing outside wearing a DUSA Hoodie and carrying a DUSA backpack
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