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Online Chat Session – U Belong Week

  • Friday April 4th, 2025
  • 4:00 PM  - 5:15 PM


Need a break from studying or just want to meet new people? Grab your laptop and join DUSA for an exciting Online Chat Session during U Belong Week – it’s the perfect chance to meet new people, have some fun, and get involved with your Deakin community!

Kick things off with a thrilling Scavenger Hunt, then jump into our Speed Friending rooms to make some awesome new connections. Chat with DUSA and student leaders, learn about all the amazing services we offer, and ask any questions you’ve got – all in a laid-back, friendly setting.

This event is FREE, however you must register in advance via the BOOK NOW button below.

When: Friday 4th April

Time: 4pm – 5:15pm

Location: Online

Become a member of your student association and you’ll get awesome merch PLUS discounts on your OFest tickets.

Female student standing outside wearing a DUSA Hoodie and carrying a DUSA backpack
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