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Club members
DUSA members
General admission
Time Travellers Boat Party!
Brought to you by DUSC + LUST + MUST
The details:
Date: 10th Apr
Time: 7pm-10pm
- Pizza to be served at 6:30 at the boarding point.
- Boarding commences at 6:40 do not be late, we will not wait.
Meet: 131 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands VIC 3008 (Fast Ferry terminal)
Theme = Time Travellers
DUSC: Past
- ancient eras eg victorian, greek, egyptian, pirates etc
MUST: Present
- present influences eg current movies, modern day celebrities etc
LUST: Future
- Futuristic, cosmic realms, space, aliens etc
3 hour cruise
pizza snacks
drink card
happy hour
live music + DJs & more.
Please note:
We promote responsible alcohol consumption
This is an18+ only
IDs are required for entry