Student Representation

Meet your 2024/2025 student reps!

2025 DUSA Campus Coordinators & Representatives


Muskan Goyal's profile picture

Muskan Goyal

Burwood Campus Coordinator

Charlotte Cooper

Women’s Representative

Clarity James

Queer Representative

Neena Joy

Postgraduate Representative

Khanh Tran

International Representative

Suhashie Thalgaspitiya

Events & Activities Representative

Harley Efron

Clubs & Societies Representative

Amy Li

People of Colour Representative

Tasha Storey

Accessibility & Online Students Representative


Yiwei Cheng's profile picture

Yiwei Cheng

Geelong Campus Coordinator

Claire Elder

Queer Representative

Sathyanarayanan Pandi

Postgraduate Representative

Haoyu (Sky) Lui

International Representative

Gargi Sarma

Events & Activities Representative

Bethany Arnup

Clubs & Societies Representative

Zainab Albrefkany

People of Colour Representative

Liberty Thompson

Accessibility & Online Students Representative


Caleb Smith's profile picture

Caleb Smith

Warrnambool Campus Coordinator

Andrew Neal

Student Engagement Representative

Logan Sleep

Accessibility & Services Representative

Emma Dhillon

Diversity & Belonging Representative

Holly Marotta

Equity Representative

Constitution and Regulations

The DUSA Constitution and Regulations are our governing documents and apply to the organisation as a whole and in particular our student representatives, staff and volunteers.

DUSA will always endeavour to follow our governance documents in a fair, accurate and consistent manner. If you have any questions regarding DUSA governance or governing documents, please contact the DUSA General Secretary dusa-gensec@deakin.edu.au

DUSA Student Council Meetings – Agendas and Minutes

DUSA is a democratic organisation, run by students, for students. Student Council Meetings are held every month, and as a DUSA member you can send a request to the General Secretary and ask to attend and 'observe' a Student Council Meeting. Requests to attend Student Council meetings must be submitted at least two week's prior to the meeting date.

For more information on attending a Student Council Meeting please contact the DUSA General Secretary: dusa-gensec@deakin.edu.au. Below are the Agenda’s and Minutes of previous Student Council meetings.

DUSA Annual General Meeting

The DUSA Annual General Meeting is held in May each year and provides DUSA members the opportunity to consider any special proposals and to look at the reporting of the organisation for the previous year. The Annual Report is presented to the meeting, which gives members and stakeholders a snapshot of the organisation. The Annual Report can be found in the Agenda below.

Attending the Annual General Meeting is a fantastic opportunity for our members to provide feedback, ask questions and have a voice in the direction of DUSA. All student members of DUSA receive a notice inviting them to attend the Annual General Meeting.

Female student wearing a DUSA Hoodie and standing outside with the trees in the background

Become a student rep

Being a DUSA student representative is a fantastic opportunity and will surely make your university experience a memorable and rewarding one.

By getting involved in student representation, you can:

  • Organise campaigns on issues that affect students, such as concession cards for international students, Deakin’s environmental impact, or assignment submission practices
  • Address social issues such as homophobia, equal opportunity, disability access or environmental degradation
  • Negotiate with senior university staff to ensure Deakin meets its obligations to students
  • Organise social events including BBQs, balls and live entertainment
  • Lead university sports teams and choose how DUSA fosters clubs and societies
  • Develop professional and personal skills while meeting hundreds of fantastic people
  • All campuses Student Representative positions are elected each year at the annual DUSA student elections. However, positions do become available from time to time throughout the year. If you hear of an available campus representative position and you are interested in applying - click on the link below and fill out the form and send it to the General Secretary.
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